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Saturday, January 01, 2011

RomPatcher+ 2.6 Released

Change-Log RP > RP+ This is the list of the main differences in comparison with RomPatcher by ZoRn: - New: support for compiled patches - New: can dump the whole rom content to file \romdumpplus.dmp - New: can dump the SuperPage content to file \superpage.dmp - New: full support for DomainSrv.exe autostart - New: introduced new commands ord_rel, ord_snr which allow to patch DLL using ordinal - New: can be integrated in cooked ROM firmware. - New: it is now possible to apply/remove patches with just 1 click. - New: added vertical scrollbar. - New: introduced the new command "+SuperPage" which allow to patch the RAM area where is stored the SuperPage. - New: introduced support for a new commands, info: return: error: check the demo1-4.rmp patches included. - New: introduced #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #endif, #define statements. This will allow to retrieve system values at runtime to create more flexible and powerful patches. Check the ReadMe_Macros.txt for all the details. - New: you can search / filter the patches in the list. Just start typing the patch name to apply the filter. - New: wildcard ?? support for patches. - Fixed: Kern-Exec0 error when closing RomPatcher after a patch was applied. - Fixed: doesn't unexpectedly crash when using large and complex patches. - Fixed: RP+ can correcly patch contiguous shadow ram pages without any crash. - Improved: the shadow ram memory is now fully released when a patch is removed. - Improved: better compatibility (supports also the OmniaHD, 5630, E52 and probably future devices). - Improved: the "Patch Info..." option shows all the information lines contained in the patch. Change-Log RP+ v2.5 > v2.6: + New: Support for compiled patches (.RPP files) Patch-Makers can now distribuite compiled patches to protect their work. Use the "For Patch-Makers\CompileRMP.exe" to compile your .RMP patches in .RPP + Improved: Added DomainSrv.exe by wadowice. Must be installed manually, you can find it inside the "For Advanced Users" folder Useful tip for patch-makers: If your patch uses some features of RP+ v2.4 and above (like ord_rel, ord_snr) I suggest you to include in your patch a check, using the code below:
#ifdef RP+VERSION_2.1 #define NOT_COMPATIBLE #endif #ifdef RP+VERSION_2.2 #define NOT_COMPATIBLE #endif #ifdef RP+VERSION_2.3 #define NOT_COMPATIBLE #endif #ifdef NOT_COMPATIBLE error:Please update to RP+ v2.4 or above to use this patch! #else ; your patch code goes here... ; your patch code goes here... ; your patch code goes here... ; your patch code goes here... #endif
Thanks to: - ZoRn for the original RomPatcher idea. - FCA00000 for its brilliant brain. - wadowice, templove, bugb, abgnokia, leftup, CODeRUS, Leonapapa, PNHT and others, for their contribution to the underground Symbian scene, keep up with the good job! - megaexer for svg icon.

2 Comment(s):

Vega said...

bang nandoo, dump rom & superpage itu maksudnya apa ?

Nando Sang Putra said...

ane juga kurang ngerti gan..
itu cuna penting buat patch maker, klo buat yang pke gag penting :D

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